Raise Up Hawaiʻi

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Heed the poets when thinking of Hawaiʻi’s most needy

On TV, Hawaiʻi is shown as paradise with palm trees, spotless beaches and hula dancers. However, what isn’t seen is the homelessness, the multiple jobs families need to get by, and people struggling to make ends meet.

The child in the poem had no idea that she lives in Hawaiʻi because it is portrayed so differently than it actually is. The families on TV were rich without a worry in the world, while the child saw families struggling to make enough money to afford food and a place to live.

While it isn’t always easy, Passion and Inoshita also described what makes Hawaiʻi beautiful and unique, which is what makes the struggle worthwhile—and is why issues like homelessness and the need for a living wage need to be addressed more effectively.

Perhaps our lawmakers should invite these poets to read at the capitol? It could change minds, move hearts and make for better public policies.