Raise Up Hawaiʻi

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Sine Die—my take on the 2019 session

Our state legislature, dominated by lawmakers who were elected under the flag of the Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi (DPH), refused to pass legislation increasing the minimum wage, a top legislative priority of their own party.

This my friends is the definition of a DINO (Democrat In Name Only). The vast majority of legislators have all professed to support not only increasing the minimum wage to at least $15, but ultimately to a living wage. But when the crunch comes, the answer is “Shoots, we ran out of time.” Or, “I’m not sure what happened, we couldn’t get Finance Committee clearance.”

I respect those who are willing to publicly defend their opposition, but that is the small minority. The majority don’t have the courage of their convictions and instead prefer hiding behind the skirts of leadership, who dutifully carry out the will of the majority and kill the bill.

This issue alone should be enough to fuel the coming 2020 revolution.

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