Voters agree—raising the federal minimum wage to $15 is good for everyone

Voters agree—raising the federal minimum wage to $15 is good for everyone

Hart & Associates polled 2020 general election voters in the nation’s 67 most competitive Congressional districts.

Fully 62 percent of those polled, including 59 percent in the districts won by Republicans, favored raising the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025.

These results reinforce the success of the Black-and-brown-worker-led Fight for $15 movement and the desperate need for at least a $15 minimum wage across the country, while demonstrating that this is a bi-partisan issue and one on which Congress should take immediate action.

The voters’ agreement with raising wages also mirrors the November results in Florida, when 61 percent of voters approved a constitutional amendment to gradually raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 by 2025.

Read more.

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