Hawaiʻi legislature advances minimum wage hike to $18 by 2028

Hawaiʻi legislature advances minimum wage hike to $18 by 2028

HB2510 HD2 SD1 CD1 now heads to the floor of both chambers for a final floor vote before being transmitted to the Governor for his consideration.

The Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi hailed the advance saying, “Hawaiʻi’s minimum wage has been too low for far too long, and this bill gives hope to the many hard-working families struggling to get by in the islands. No one who works full time here in Hawaiʻi should have to raise a family in poverty, and this is a step in the right direction.”

Tyler Dos Santos-Tam, Chair of the Democratic Party of Hawai’i said, “I want to applaud our legislators for taking this bold step, and thank our members and activists for their steadfast work over several legislative sessions to make this happen.”

Advocates say an $18 minimum wage translates to $16,000 more in annual earnings for minimum wage workers. Hawaii’s minimum wage of $10.10 has not increased since 2018.

$18 minimum wage heading to final vote

$18 minimum wage heading to final vote

Bill to boost Hawaiʻi minimum wage heads to final vote

Bill to boost Hawaiʻi minimum wage heads to final vote