Governor approves $300 tax refunds, signs law raising minimum wage to $18

Governor approves $300 tax refunds, signs law raising minimum wage to $18

Also Wednesday, Gov. David Ige signed a bill raising the minimum wage in Hawaiʻi to $18 per hour by Jan. 1, 2028.

Ige said that this “balanced approach” will begin in increments, starting by raising the minimum wage from $10.10 an hour to $12 in October. The minimum wage will then rise to:

  • $14 starting Jan. 1, 2024

  • $16 starting Jan. 1, 2026

  • $18 starting Jan. 1, 2028

Ige added that the raise is “long overdue,” and will help the 190,000 workers in Hawaiʻi who earn minimum wage. “I’m excited to sign two bills that are really focused on helping working families and the people who need the help the most,” Ige said.

Coalitions applaud signing of historic minimum wage and tax fairness legislation

Coalitions applaud signing of historic minimum wage and tax fairness legislation

Hawaiʻi governor signs $18 minimum wage law, first of its kind

Hawaiʻi governor signs $18 minimum wage law, first of its kind