Lawmakers move closer to final decision on measure to raise minimum wage

Lawmakers move closer to final decision on measure to raise minimum wage

“While we are disappointed that the Senate’s version of the measure was not included in the final conference draft, I am pleased that we will at least be able to start providing wage increases to workers across the State beginning on October 1, 2022,” said Senator Brian Taniguchi (District 11 – Mānoa, Makiki, Punchbowl and Papakolea), chair of the Senate Committee on Labor, Culture and the Arts. “Coming to a compromise on an issue of this magnitude is not easy and we recognize that this is not a perfect bill. But given the circumstances, we did the best that we could.”

“While we didn’t get everything we wanted in the bill, the Senate recognized that the only way to ensure wage increases this session was to compromise with our House colleagues on the bill’s final language,” noted Senate President Kouchi. “Recognizing that not everyone will be happy with this outcome, I want the people of Hawaiʻi to know that the Senate will continue to work tirelessly to address issues related to the minimum wage and the cost of living.”

HB2510 HD2 SD1 CD1 now heads to the floor of both chambers for a final floor vote before being transmitted to the Governor for his consideration.

Hawaiʻi lawmakers finally agree on raising the minimum wage

Hawaiʻi lawmakers finally agree on raising the minimum wage

Legislative conference committee passes minimum wage bill

Legislative conference committee passes minimum wage bill